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The Long Game: A Memoir

Publisher: Sentinel • May 31, 2016 • 288 pages

**Exclusive CBC Author Interview with Mitch McConnell**

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may draw ire from more ideological conservatives, but he manages to get the job done by playing what he calls “The Long Game”. In his new (and first) book, The Long Game: A Memoir, McConnell describes his strategy of working in the Senate, his fight against Obama and Harry Reid, and his life story.

The Long Game begins with McConnell’s fight and eventual victory over polio. He then tells about how he desired to be a great baseball player and the effort he put in to improve. However, McConnell experienced the first setback of his career when he realized that he would not be a star ball player and decided to switch his intense focus into his passion of politics. He began his transition to politics by winning his class president race in high school; a race he managed to win by recruiting the athletes and cheerleaders to endorse him. McConnell’s win showed his skill for politics, his cleverness, and his fighting spirit that he would later take to Washington.

The second half of McConnell’s book continues to chronicle his path towards being Senate majority leader, detailing his campaigns for Senator in Kentucky and his defensive battle against the Left in the senate. One of McConnell’s main points that he highlights is his idea for Republicans to work together and unite. McConnell repeatedly dismisses members of the Right that are willing to throw their own party members under the bus to better their position. He despises the part of the right that would rather shut the government down (such as in 2013) than fix to solve the problems later with elections and time, wishing they would play the “long game”.

McConnell is not the most liked Senator but he will stand up for what he believes and will come to a compromise to live to fight the future fight by playing the “long game”, insisting that it is the best way to fight off the Left. McConnell’s book reads surprisingly well and is an entertaining and informative journey into the life of a senator. As an establishment Republican, many of McConnell’s points will likely hit home for those who are more center oriented conservatives, while also rankling those who are farther to his right.

However, all members of the Right will find the book a useful look into the working of the Senate and one of its most prominent members. The book also describes the recent history of the government in an interesting and exciting way that shows McConnell fighting for his seat and positions in the Senate, the rise of the Republicans in the Senate, and McConnell’s frequent jabs at Obama.

McConnell’s The Long Game is well written, worth the read, and may make you “long” for more.


Original CBC review by Auberon Crocker.

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