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Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great–and Why We Need Them More Than Ever

Author: Eric Bolling
Publisher: St. Martin's Press • June 28, 2016 • 240 pages
4.33 out of 5 • View Ratings Details • 9 Ratings

**Exclusive CBC Author Interview with Eric Bolling**

Is America abandoning what has made it great in favor of a controlling, politically correct government? For self-made Fox News personality Eric Bolling, the answer is a clear yes. In his new book, Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great-And Why We Need Them More Than Ever, Bolling calls for resistance to the Left’s desire to change what America is and what it stands for. Bolling offers a set of nine distinct virtues that once shaped the character of the nation, but are now looked down upon and mocked by the Left, as a guide to be great in America.

Wake Up America begins with a prediction of what America will be like in the aftermath of a successful Hillary Clinton presidential election. In this dystopian near-future, free speech is banned, guns are outlawed, and wealth is redistributed by Clinton’s Treasury Secretary, Bernie Sanders. Bolling’s introduction shows the radical mindsets that are threatening America and attempts to demonstrate what must be avoided in the future if America is to be great again. From the start Bolling wants to show that he is attacking the Left’s radical onslaught on America and even amusingly dedicates the book to President Obama, promising to “stop him and his liberal pals.”

Wake Up America is based into chapters of the nine virtues that America has forgotten: Grit, Profit, Manliness, Thrift, Individuality, Dominion, Merit, Pride, and Providence. Each chapter has examples of why one of the virtues is under attack from the Left and demonstrates why the particular virtue is needed, often with personal examples from Bolling that many can relate to. In fact, the book does a good job at showing how Bolling rose from a poor family in Chicago to becoming a successful American millionaire with the aid of these nine virtues. The personal experiences of Bolling are well done and I found them be some of the most enjoyable parts of the book.

Wake Up America is an easy yet captivating book to read. The book flows well and Bolling manages to effectively push his points across with common-sense arguments and engaging examples. Of the nine chapters, the ones on Manliness and Dominion are particularly good and managed to make me riled up and annoyed at the way the government has acted in the past few years.

The book’s overall purpose is a guide to fighting back, as Bolling says: “I wrote Wake Up America to help us all fight back. To fight back against the forces of the left-wing, big government zealots who seek to turn our country into a socialist utopia, where rules are handed down by pampered elites in Washington. To fight back against the damaging message being sent to our kids—that they are the victims, that they need Daddy Government to bail them out and ruin their lives.” Wake Up America does fight back; it is easy to read, has relatable examples, and a definitive set of guidelines to help combat the Left’s war on America.

The book will likely be insulted by liberals as it is a direct attack on their ideas; they will no doubt be attempting to remove Mr. Bolling’s freedom of speech rights very soon. However, for everybody else Wake Up America is a patriotic cry that the American idea is still great and that America cannot be turned into a European socialist state by the Left.


Original CBC review by Auberon Crocker.

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