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Black Belt Patriotism

Author: Chuck Norris
Publisher: Fidelis • 2007 • 296 pages

Six-time world middleweight karate champion and action film star Chuck Norris loves America. But he isn’t afraid to face reality: “America,” he says, “seems to have lost its way. As a people, we seem more divided than ever before. Switch on the television and it’s clear we’ve lost our moral compass. Our economy, once celebrated as a guarantor of freedom and prosperity, now seems corrupted by greed, materialism, and uncertainty. Other countries that used to envy us, now despise us. We seem to have lost not only our sense of ourselves but of our place in the world.” But he is far from giving up — and that’s why he wrote “Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America.”

Here is Norris’ brightly written guide to how we can stop being what he calls “One Nation, Divided, and Without a Clue,” and once again becomes a nation that acknowledges our Creator, values human life, and honors and cares for the family — a nation with secure borders, free from the national nightmare of debt, physically fit, and with liberty and justice for all. Norris, in sum, envisions a nation of people who are aware of and true to the noble principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Ten Commandments (each of which he includes here in an appendix).

“It doesn’t take many people to foster a revolution,” says Norris. “Jesus did it with twelve disciples. George Washington did it with his few suffering troops at Valley Forge. And we can do it today. We can set a new direction for America with people like you and me, who through our efforts in our communities and at the ballot box and in our personal lives can make this country everything it should be, everything our nation’s Founders wanted it to be. America has fallen asleep at the wheel and it’s time for her to wake up before it’s too late. It’s up to us: and this book is my way of showing where we can start.”

Chuck Norris kicks away obstacles to America’s renewal, revealing:

  • Why we cannot make America a better, more decent, more civil place without turning to God.
  • The war against God: how, sometime between 2000 and 2007, the National Park Service took action to hide the inscription “Praise to God” at the top of the Washington Monument
  • The Bible: How the government was so in favor of Bible reading that in 1777 Congress voted to import 20,000 copies of the Bible for the people of this new nation!
  • Why the greatest form of power is still restraint and harnessing one’s potential to help others
  • Why Americans need to study and become newly familiar with not only the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but also with the debates between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists and other important documents of our history, including the Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights, and the Northwest Ordinance
  • How the most liberal and “progressive” Americans have destroyed the great principle that all human beings are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
  • Why the Founders would have been horrified at the bloated federal bureaucracy we have now and the maze of taxes we have to navigate — it was excessive taxation like this that drove the Founders to rebel in the first place!
  • Why the Founding Fathers believed that a total open-door policy for immigrants would only lead to complete chaos
  • How our unprecedented history of prosperity will certainly come to an end soon if we continue to allow spending and public debt to spiral completely out of control
  • Why, if the Founding Fathers were here today, they would probably support the Fair Tax
  • Public schools: how government needs less of a role in running our children’s education and more of a role in supporting parents’ educational decisions for their children
  • How, due to the Left’s distortions and revisions of history, along with oversights in education, the Founding Fathers are simply folklore but not a legacy to follow — and why that must change
  • The unique applied wisdom that contributed to the productiveness and longevity of the Founding Fathers’ lives
  • The Biblical beliefs on which the Declaration of Independence is based
  • Why Americans are increasingly turning to the courts to settle their disputes, and why no one (except maybe lawyers) should see this as a good thing
  • How, if our government is not going to hold our taxpayer-supported academic institutions accountable, then we must
  • The two-hundred-year-old lesson on American relations with Islamic jihadists that could be helpful to our country today
  • One thing parents must do if they expect their children to live moral lives
  • Recovering the value of life: how even the Founders who were deists believed that humans were the highest creation of God
  • How you may be daily getting full from food, but, if you’re like most Americans, your body is likely deprived of the nutrients it needs to be healthy
  • The healthcare crisis in America: how it can only be solved by Americans — not by governmental intervention and bureaucracy that mandates socialized medicine
  • How do you define the American Dream? And why the answer is so important
  • The national debt: why it threatens our continuing ability to experience freedom politically and even personally
  • President Jimmy Carter: a major reason why we are at loggerheads with Iran in the Middle East today
  • How we can reclaim America by being willing to make a difference, and finding a way to help — whether it’s socially, politically, financially, or by volunteering in our community, church, school, or local government
  • Chuck Norris’ own Twelve Commandments for finding personal and familial happiness

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