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False Flag

Publisher: Regnery Fiction • Mar. 5, 2018 • 256 pages

In False Flag, a young, female CIA officer under non-official cover has been snatched off of the streets of Beirut by Hezbollah.

It’s a plot that only veteran CIA officer and author F. W. Rustmann, Jr. could write.

In False Flag, it’s also the kind of situation that CIA’s legendary Deputy Director of Operations Edwin Rothmann needs solved fast—but he can’t involve the agency. Instead, he enlists the renegade Ft. Lauderdale outfit he refers to as “CIA, Inc.” headed by former CIA case officer Mac MacMurphy.

As the kidnapped officer faces a battle of wits with her mysterious interrogator, MacMurphy and his team track down a former CIA asset who may hold the key to infiltrating the hostage situation before it gets out of hand.

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