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Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

Publisher: Regnery Publishing • 2006 • 256 pages
4.71 out of 5 • View Ratings Details • 41 Ratings
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

From same-sex marriage, illegal immigration, and economic socialism to partial birth abortion, political speech, and terrorists’ “rights,” judges have abused their constitutional mandate by imposing their personal prejudices and beliefs on the rest of society. No radical political movement has been more effective in undermining our system of government than the judiciary. And we, the people, need not stand for it.

In “Men in Black,” Mark Levin explodes myth after myth about the federal judiciary, including the biggest one of all: the idea that Supreme Court judges are somehow imbued with greater insight, wisdom, and vision than the rest of us — and that for some reason Almighty God has endowed them with superior judgment about justice and fairness. But as Levin demonstrates again and again in these pages, judges are men and women with human imperfections and frailties. Some have indeed been brilliant, honorable, and moral, but others have been corrupt, unprincipled, racist, and even mentally impaired (yes, Levin names names).

Levin shows here that for two centuries now the courts have grabbed ever more authority over our society. Marshaling an awesome amount of data from history and contemporary court cases, he illustrates conclusively that judicial activists are nothing short of radicals in robes: contemptuous of the rule of law, subverting the Constitution at will, and using their public trust to impose their policy preferences on society.

“Men In Black” proves that neither the Founding Fathers nor the founding documents of our republic support the current supremacy of the judiciary. He explores the 200-year-old Supreme Court ruling that was nothing less than a counter-revolution against the Constitutional system of separation of powers. And he demonstrates how for 200 years, the elected branches have largely acquiesced to the judiciary’s tyranny.

Dissecting the flawed and politicized judgments of the key decisions involved, Levin establishes that the Court’s ongoing intensive and concerted effort to exclude references to religion or God from public places is an attack on our founding principles. What’s more, it’s an attempt to bolster a growing reliance on the government — especially the judiciary — as the source of our rights. He also lays bare the Court’s fallacious reasoning on affirmative action, abortion, immigration law, gay marriage, and other key issues, showing how the Court has legislated hard-left and Socialist politics from the bench — and even moved to stifle free political debate. Levin even shows how Islamic terrorists have used the Court to interfere with the Bush Administration’s anti-terror efforts.

Above all, Levin outlines practical ways that we can bring the out-of-control federal judiciary to heel and restore Constitutional rule. If we’re to remain a great Republic — where the people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” — we must not quietly accept the fate the courts have in store for us: we must oppose tyranny, whatever the form. It’s time for a serious national debate about the role of the judiciary in modern America; this book is the crucial foundation for that debate.

Mark Levin exposes the full extent of judicial tyranny:

  • Why we will never be able to regain democratic self government — and truly change the direction of public policy — until we curb activist judges
  • How activist judges have managed to take over school systems, prisons, and private hiring and firing practices; ordered local governments to raise property taxes and states to grant benefits to illegal immigrants; and expelled God, prayer and the Ten Commandments from the public square
  • What the Founding Fathers really intended the powers of the Supreme Court to be
  • The forgotten American patriot who predicted that the Supreme Court would eventually arrogate to itself power over the other branches of government
  • How America reached the point where the federal judiciary has effectively amassed more influence over modern life than any other branch of government
  • Why, contrary to the Court’s claim in Roe v. Wade, the framers assumed no general right to privacy — because criminal and evil acts can be committed in privacy!
  • How many of today’s Supreme Court justices will rely on anything but the Constitution to guide their decision-making
  • The controversial and disgraceful behavior of the American Bar Association in giving highly politicized ratings to nominees for the federal bench
  • The Supreme Court justice who admitted that today’s Court “bristles with hostility to all things religious in public life”
  • Bush v. Gore: how it stopped a rogue state supreme court from violating the rule of law — yet how it opened the door for future courts to interfere in close elections, both at the state and federal levels
  • The liberal cabal of hard left Democrat senators who will fight tooth and nail against any nominee to the Supreme Court who takes the Constitution seriously — and the president’s potent short-term weapon to beat back this obstructionist minority
  • The clear-thinking Supreme Court justice who argued it is time to discard the many layers of ill-considered opinions and “begin the process of rethinking the Establishment Clause”
  • The McCain-Feingold campaign finance law: how it restricts your right to free speech — especially political speech — with the active support of the courts
  • Same-sex marriage: why this issue, like few others, will determine whether Congress has the will finally to defend its constitutional role as the public’s federal representative body
  • How the independence of the judiciary can be preserved — and the unconstitutional influence of the federal courts curtailed

“This book couldn’t be more timely or important, as liberals continue shamelessly to thwart the people, Congress, the president, and state governments. . . . Mark Levin’s Men in Black provides an indispensable historical and constitutional context. And, it offers suggested solutions to remedy the serious problems we face. Let me tell you, folks, this is a subject in need of our urgent attention. And this book provides the ammunition you need to defend your liberty.” —Rush Limbaugh

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