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Howard Kurtz Calls Out The Biased Media

Howard Kurtz takes on the insane media in his new book "Media Madness"!

The Top 7 Conservative Movies of 2017

Read our Conservative Bestseller List HERE While Hollywood is currently imploding due to the numerous scandals and award show political […]

Announcing The Top 10 Conservative Books of 2017!

CBC is excited to announce our Top 10 Conservative Books of 2017 -- check them out!

Michael Savage Searches for God’s Meaning in Life

"God, Faith, and Reason" is a raw glimpse into Michael Savage’s journey of faith...

Protestantism Turns 500 With New Eric Metaxas Book

Eric Metaxas explores the impact of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation in a new book. See where it ended[...]

The Plot To Destroy Donald Trump Is Underway

A year into his presidency, Trump has a target on his back that’s bigger than ever

The Gospel of Populism According to Laura Ingraham

Laura Ingraham's "Billionaire at the Barricades" details the history of the populist movement in America, focusing heavily on Pres. Trump.

“Scalia Speaks” Honors Justice Scalia’s Judicial Legacy

"Scalia Speaks" honors the late Supreme Court justice's rich legacy in American law and the court system.

The New York Times’ Newest ‘Big Lie’

The dishonest New York Times perpetuates another "big lie" by refusing to give Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Big Lie" its[...]

Is Sharia Law Coming To A Neighborhood Near You?

In light of the Barcelona attacks, Raheem Kassam's "No Go Zones" is a warning to the US to learn from[...]

Colleges Campuses Are Becoming Daycares!

Dr. Everett Piper's "Not A Day Care" is essential to making colleges places of education again, as opposed to the[...]

Dinesh D’Souza Exposes the Left’s Radical Roots in New Book

Dinesh D'Souza's latest book, "The Big Lie: Exposing The Nazi Roots of the American Left", made #1 in its first[...]

In New Memoir, Loser Hillary Blames Everyone But Herself

Hillary Clinton wants “the whole story out there” she says and intends to do just that in her upcoming memoir[...]

“The Smear” Exposes the Secret Campaign to Ruin the Trump Family

Sharyl Attkisson investigates the world of fake news and names the major players in her latest book "The Smear".

Mark Levin Leads The Way Back To Americanism In New Bestseller

Mark Levin’s new book on Americanism, progressivism and finding our way back to our values tops the Conservative Bestseller List.

This 4th of July, Learn the Story of the Navy SEAL Who Slew Osama bin Laden

Robert O’Neill’s The Operator is a must read for this 4th of July!

How Did Dems Lose The Georgia Special Election? Gingrich’s “Understanding Trump” Holds The Key

Newt Gingrich’s "Understanding Trump" lands at No. 1 spot on Conservative Bestseller List -- and might offer the key to[...]

Ivanka Trump’s “Women Who Work Under” Attack

Ivanka Trump has released a new book, Women Who Work, and loser libs in the lying media are already trashing[...]

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