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Podcast Announcement – Taking A Holiday Break!

Hi Friends!  This is Chris Malagisi, your host of the Conservative Book Club Podcast wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  After just completing our 50th podcast episode, I personally wanted to thank you for joining and being an active member of our podcast community!  You all make this worth it and I greatly appreciate all the reviews, ratings, subscriptions, and emails with your thoughts and feedback – I promise, I truly read them all!

I also want to say a special thank you to the Ricochet audio podcast network who now powers the Conservative Book Club Podcast!  We truly appreciate their partnership and we definitely recommend you check out their other podcasts, as they are home to the largest and most influential conservative podcast network in the country!

I also wanted to let you know that after 50 straight weekly episodes, your host needs a little break to refresh and get ready for a brand new year of programming next year.  So we’ll be off in December, but be sure to tune back in early 2019!  We’ve got some surprises in store and are gonna raise the level of our game bringing you the best of conservative books and authors, and interviews with bestselling authors and notable public leaders.

We will also have some new member shows where YOU will get to actually participate and call in, and ask questions to the authors directly!  More on that to come ?

Again, I wanted to thank everyone for helping to make the Conservative Book Club Podcast one of the fastest growing conservative podcasts in America in 2018!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Yours truly, your host, signing off,

Chris Malagisi

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