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The Top 6 Picks for Pres. Trump’s Next Supreme Court Justice

Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Judge Amy Coney Barrett represents an alma mater outside of the Ivy League which currently dominates the court – Notre Dame. President Trump nominated Barrett to her currently position on the 7th circuit, covering Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois.

Standing for Faith and Fairness

Judge Barrett clerked for Justice Scalia, and in recent discussion has faced flak for her Catholic faith. She wrote in an 1998 article, “Capitol Judges in Capitol Cases,” that the Catholic church’s teaching takes priority over law in a judge’s decisions. If her highest loyalty is to the Catholic church, what does this mean for cases involving abortion or the death penalty, both of which the Church mandates against?

In cases where she would be directly ordering an abortion or the death penalty, Judge Barrett would recuse herself from the decision due to a conflict of interest in regards to her faith.

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