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Bestseller List Nov. 4-10 (2018)

Conservative Bestseller

Killing the SS: The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History

Confronting Nazi evil is the subject of the latest installment in the mega-bestselling Killingseries As the true horrors of the […]

Conservative Bestseller

Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution

Publisher: Free Press

Check out the Ship of Fools audiobook, read by Tucker Carlson himself, HERE! The host of Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson […]

Conservative Bestseller

Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America’s Destiny

Publisher: Sentinel

Another pop history pageturner from the New York Times bestselling authors of George Washington’s Secret Six and Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates.

When the British fought the young United States during the War of 1812, they knew that taking the mouth of the Mississippi River was the key to crippling their former colony. Capturing the city of New Orleans and stopping trade up the river sounded like a simple task–New Orleans was far away from Washington, […]

Conservative Bestseller

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Publisher: Random House

What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Renowned psychologist Jordan B. Peterson’s answer to this most difficult of questions uniquely combines the hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research.

Humorous, surprising and informative, Dr. Peterson tells us why skateboarding boys and girls must be left alone, what terrible fate awaits those who criticize too easily, and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street. […]

Conservative Bestseller

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure

Publisher: Penguin Press

Something has been going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Speakers are shouted down. Students and […]

Conservative Bestseller

Trump’s America: The Truth about Our Nation’s Great Comeback

No one understands the “Make America Great Again” effort with more insight and more experience than former Speaker of the […]

Conservative Bestseller

Jesus Is Risen: Paul and the Early Church

The next book from bestselling author David Limbaugh! […]

Conservative Bestseller

Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy

Judge Jeanine writes a firsthand account of the real Trump presidency – Liars, Leakers, and Liberals – based on her interviews with […]

Conservative Bestseller

The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win

Every leader must be ready and willing to take charge, to make hard, crucial calls for the good of the […]

Conservative Bestseller

Donald Drains the Swamp

The cavemen need help. Their King has forgotten all about them, thanks to the swamp creatures who surround the castle. […]

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