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April 8 – April 14, 2015

Conservative Bestseller

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

Author: Chris Kyle
Publisher: William Morrow

**Exclusive Author Interview with Chris Kyle**
”One shot, one kill” is the creed of military snipers. For those in elite warfare units such as the U.S. Navy SEALs, the additional skill of being able to quietly infiltrate an enemy’s area undetected in order to deliver precision fire is mandatory. Working in proximity to where adversaries are operating, and being expected to survive in order to be deployed to additional firefights, is a given.

“American Sniper” is retired Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle’s gripping and dramatic account of how he became the deadliest sniper in U.S. […]

Killing PattonConservative Bestseller

Killing Patton: The Strange Death of WWII’s Most Audacious General

“If you have read ‘Killing Kennedy,’” author and TV commentator Bill O’Reilly reminds his readers, “you know that Martin Dugard and I are […]

Killing Jesus - A HistoryConservative Bestseller

Killing Jesus: A History

This book is going to be big, a near-lock for the bestseller lists. First Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard teamed […]

Rush Revere and the Brave PilgrimsConservative Bestseller

Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims

America’s #1 radio talk-show host and multi-million-copy #1 New York Times bestselling author presents a book for young readers with a history teacher who travels back in time to have adventures with exceptional Americans.

Meet Rush Limbaugh’s really good pal, Rush Revere!

Okay, okay, my name’s really Rusty—but my friends call me Rush. Rush Revere. Because I’ve always been the #1 fan of the coolest colonial dude ever, Paul Revere. Talk about a rock star—this guy wanted to protect young America so badly, […]

Rush Revere and the First PatriotsConservative Bestseller

Rush Revere and the First Patriots

America’s #1 radio talk-show host and multi-million-copy #1 New York Times bestselling author presents the second book in a series for young readers with a history teacher who travels back in time to have adventures with exceptional Americans.

Rush Revere rides again! Saddle up with Rush Limbaugh’s really good pal for a new time-travel adventure.

“Whoa there, young historians! Before we go rush, rush, rushing off anywhere, I’d like a moment. I’m Liberty, Rush Revere’s loquacious equine companion—his trusty talking horse! […]

Conservative Bestseller

Duck Commander Devotions for Kids

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

With the Robertson clan’s flair for down-home wisdom and their wholesome family values, this devotional reveals the heart and faith of this much-loved family from A&E’s hit show Duck Dynasty. The more than 6-million moms, dads, and little ones who are loyal fans of the Duck Dynasty family will love this collection of inspirational messages.

Each devotion contains a brief message, an anecdotal story from America’s favorite family, a passage from Scripture, a prayer, and a Duck Commander in Action. […]

Rush Revere and the American Revolution: Time-Travel Adventures With Exceptional AmericansConservative Bestseller

Rush Revere and the American Revolution: Time-Travel Adventures With Exceptional Americans

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same…”

Ronald Reagan sounded this alarm at a time when many Americans began to witness a younger generation slowly separating from the founding ideals of the country. Culture-shifting social change, coupled with a new political landscape, contributed to what many argued was an apathetic, […]

Conservative Bestseller

God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy

Mike Huckabee’s latest book, “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy” is an entertaining compendium of the former Arkansas Governor’s take on a number of the salient political issues of the day. And as the title suggests, that point of view emanates from a proud member of “flyover country.”

In Huckabee’s world, America’s political divide isn’t red versus blue. It’s “Bubba-ville” versus “Bubble-ville.” Huckabee makes it crystal clear that Bubble-ville’s inhabitants are America’s self-aggrandizing, out-of-touch coastal elitists who share President Obama’s notion that those who inhabit Bubba-ville are to be viewed as little more than “bitter clingers” for daring to enjoy their guns and their God as well as a down-home, […]

Conservative Bestseller

The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code

** Exclusive CBC Author Interview with Dennis Prager ** 
In the Federalist Papers, James Madison stated, “If men were angels, no laws would be necessary”. This statement made clear his understanding of the flaws of human nature. However, Madison and other Founding Fathers firmly believed that laws alone were not enough, and that moral and virtuous citizens were necessary to build and sustain a free society.

To this end, and to preserve the consistency and integrity of moral behavior, […]

Conservative Bestseller

From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

** Exclusive CBC Author Interview with Bernard Kerik ** 
The controversial New York City police commissioner and bestselling author of The Lost Son shares the story of his fall from grace and the effects of his incarceration on his views of the American justice system.

Bernard Kerik was New York City’s police commissioner during the 9/11 attacks, who became an American hero as he led the NYPD through rescue and recovery efforts of the World Trade Center. […]

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