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The American Patriot’s Almanac

Publisher: Thomas Nelson • 2008 • 592 pages
4.73 out of 5 • View Ratings Details • 11 Ratings
The American Patriot's Almanac

We Americans are so good at critiquing our own nation, so determined to make it better, that sometimes we neglect to acknowledge all that is wonderful about it. After all, for all its flaws, the United States has brought freedom to more people than any other nation in history. It has welcomed millions to its shores. It offers its citizens one of the highest standards of living in the world. If the United States is not worth loving, then no country is.

Now, to help us remember and appreciate all that, William J. Bennett and his longtime collaborator John T.E. Cribb have created The American Patriot’s Almanac — a daily source of inspiration and information about the history, heroes, and achievements that sum up what this nation is all about. Easily readable and accessible to all ages, The American Patriot’s Almanac is divided into 365 entries, one for each day of the year. Each entry recalls a remarkable event that took place on that day in American history, providing a touch point for knowing what America is and what she represents.

From the starving time of Jamestown during the Winter of 1609, through the bloody argument of the Civil War, and to today, the United States is a tale best told one day at a time. Here is America day by day — a guide to understanding why we love this wonderful country so much.

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