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Author Interviews

Tired Of Liberal “Dad-Shaming”? You Need To Listen To This Interview

Tired of how the liberal media's "dad-shaming"? Dr. Meg Meeker has the answers to help fathers raise their kids, as[...]

Reagan and the Pope: The Alliance That Ended The Evil Empire (Author Interview with Paul Kengor)

The Cold War could not have been ended without the friendship and alliance between Pres. Reagan and Pope St. John[...]

Ben Shapiro’s Top 5 Books Every Conservative Must Read

Ben Shapiro is a conservative journalist and commentator. In this exclusive author interview, we asked him which 5 books he[...]

David Limbaugh Reveals “The True Jesus” in New Book

David Limbaugh is back with his new book to help people better understand the four gospels in "The True Jesus:[...]

This Congressman Is Revealing DC’s SHOCKING Corruption In New Tell-All

Rep. Ken Buck has blown the whistle on the corruption in DC in his new book, "Drain the Swamp: How[...]

Get Out Of Dodge City (Author Interview with Tom Clavin)

Dodge City was a hive of scum and villainy, the wickedest town in the Wild West. Learn more about the[...]

Who Are The Knights of the Golden Circle? (Author Interview with Steve Berry)

Steve Berry is back with his latest Cotton Malone novel "The Lost Order"! Read our author interview to learn about[...]

Reagan’s Rise, From Defeat To Triumph (Author Interview with Craig Shirley)

Want to know how Ronald Reagan overcame his defeat in 1976 on his way to the Presidency? Leading Reagan biographer[...]

David Limbaugh’s Top 5 Favorite Books Every Conservative Should Read

David Limbaugh, brother of Rush Limbaugh, is a bestelling author of Christian apologetics -- including The Emmaus Code and the[...]

Can There Be Peace Between Israel and Palestine? (Author Interview: David Brog)

Ever wonder how things got so crazy in the Middle East? Then check out David Brog's new book, "Reclaiming Israel's[...]

“Oath of Honor” Author Interview with Matthew Betley

Matthew Betley is back again with his new addition to his Logan West thriller series, titled "Oath of Honor."Listen to[...]

Why We Never Leave Our POWs Behind (Interview: Amy Shively Hawk)

In a moving interview, Amy Shively Hawk discusses her new book, Six Years In The Hanoi Hilton (featuring a foreword[...]

Can Sharia And Christian Society Peacefully Coexist? (Interview: Nonie Darwish)

"Wholly Different" is author Nonie Darwish's story of how she went from believing in Islamic Sharia law to embracing the[...]

Is Rugged Individualism Still Alive In America? (Interview: David Davenport)

Today, America's traditional "rugged individualism" is fighting a war on two fronts -- in policy and in the world of[...]

What Were Reagan’s Last Years Like? (Interview: Peggy Grande)

What were Pres. Reagan's last years like? What was it like being his personal assistant? We asked Peggy Grande about[...]

America Is “Fed Up” With The Fed! (Interview: Danielle DiMartino Booth)

Americans are "Fed Up" with the corruption and incompetence of the Federal Reserve! Danielle DiMartino Booth, a former Fed employee,[...]

How Can Trump’s Big League Agenda Save America? (Interview: David Horowitz)

How will Trump reshape America? Can his big league agenda save our country? We discussed this with David Horowitz, author[...]

How Can America Emerge From “Out of the Ashes”? (Author Interview: Anthony Esolen)

Western culture has collapsed -- can America arise from "Out of the Ashes"? We asked Anthony Esolen, author of "Out[...]

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