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Political Cartoons

Will Trump Stop Tweeting? Here’s Why He Might

Will Trump stop tweeting? See the cartoon to see why his tweetstorms might subside for a while...

Is Trump Draining The Swamp?

Is Donald Trump draining the DC swamp? See the cartoon and tell us what you think!

Trump’s At Bat Against The LYING Media

Trump's up at bat against the lying media -- see the cartoon for more!

See The Award The Oscars Should Have Handed Out!

The Oscars has many awards -- but there's one award that they really should hand out! See what it has[...]

What’s Trump’s Decision On Trans Bathroom Laws?

What has Trump decided on transgender bathroom laws? See the cartoon to find out!

Even The Lying Media’s Microphones Are Biased!

The mainstream lying media is so biased that even their microphones are crooked! See the cartoon to find out more!

Can We Trust The Not-So-Intelligence Community On Trump?

The intelligence community is *totally* right about Trump and leaks... if you ignore their history! From Pearl Harbor to 9/11,[...]

What’s The LYING Media’s Real Goal?

What is the LYING media's real goal in constantly smearing President Trump? See the cartoon to find out!

See Why Trump Needs To Repair The White House Plumbing!

Does the White House need new plumbing? See the cartoon to see what this has to do with the intelligence[...]

The NSA Is A Leaky Bucket!

How is the NSA and the rest of the intelligence Establishment a leaky bucket? See the cartoon to find out!

Check Out The New Trump Candy Hearts!

It's Valentines Day -- check out the new Trump candy hearts in the cartoon!

Should Pres. Trump Promote Ivanka’s Brand?

Is it appropriate for President Trump to promote Ivanka Trump's products? Did Nordstrom go too far? See the cartoon and[...]

Can You Believe These 9th Circuit Clowns?

Can you believe the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked Trump's travel ban -- and their justifications for it! See[...]

See President Trump’s New Statue!

President Trump already has a statue -- what does it depict? Find out in the cartoon!

See How Unlimited Immigration Is A Crapshoot!

Unlimited immigration is a crapshoot -- will America roll a snake eyes? See the cartoon to find out!

See How Obamacare Is A House Of Cards!

Obamacare may be a house of cards, but can the GOP knock it down? See the cartoon!

Crazy College Radicals Have Killed Free Speech!

Free speech is under assault by crazy students on America's college campuses! See the cartoon to learn more...

See The REAL Reason Trump Was Happy For The Patriots!

Everyone knows President Trump is close with Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady, Pats coach Bill Belichick, and Pats owner Robert[...]

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